@sladakrobot: Yeah thats definitely become a misconception this gen. We didnt have native 1080p last gen and there were some fantastic looking games. Resolution of course is good but resolution is not lighting, shadowing etc etc. I laugh at these resolution debates and whats funny, whenever you read Digital Foundry's comparison videos they ALWAYS say besides the small resolution differences the games are identical.. Then you look at all 3 platforms and can barely tell the difference. Some pc games definitely outshine the consoles but then you have some like The Division, Rise of the Tomb Raider and fallout 4 that you can hardly tell its a pc version.. (IMO)
@wookiegr: No its not.. Open your eyes idiot! You and millions of other pc gamers keep pushing this graphics bullshit when graphics on current gen consoles look fantastic and you will continue to contribute to a failing industry!! Games dont have half the substance they used to. BUT THE GOT GRAPHICS
@battlestreak: It the PC losers that do it. They are mad because without the consoles getting better hardware, they will never get to use the full strengths of their pc's. So they cry when devs don't make PC games optimized for their specs. They are rushing technology. Tech moves fast enough, we dont need it to move any faster.
PC gamers wouldn't have half the AAA games they have if it weren't for consoles.. PC is usually the last platformed on the list for AAA devs. They want to make console games. Now all these PC crybabies that went out and spent $1k - $4k on their pointless rigs are crying because devs haven't even begun optimizing games for that kind of tech, especially 4k rigs... These current gen consoles aren't going anywhere anytime soon..
@lonesamurai1: I'm not. I have Rise of the Tomb Raider on Xbox One. I've seen the graphics comparisons between a pc version and Xb1 version of the game and the differences are NOTHING to brag about...The Xbox One pushes amazing graphics in that game! Amazing!! I am very happy with my Xbox One and PS4. when the hell did this ever become an issue? For 8yrs last gen no one was talking about power and how the gen was under powered or outdated hardware around year 5 and 6!
People need to get over this power shit! YOUR HELPING RUIN GAMING!! Games have become so shallow because all devs care about it getting the graphics to look good to shut people like you up!!
@lvsolja: What stupid comment. Do you know how much a PC and monitor cost to play 4k games?? The fact that current gen isnt pushing 4k is not garbage and many have said a patch can fix that. Sure, the games will have crappy frame rates but your making it sound like EVERYONE is gaming on 4k and really not too many are. I believe you need a at least a 980Ti with probably a good 4g dedicated RAM and one hell of a good processor to push 4k smoothly. Maybe even 2 graphics cards.. Sure a 970 and 980tx can do it but you'll be gaming better at 1440p rather than 4k. You'll get the image not the quality..
@robertgentrell: lol yeah bro, ps4 has more sales with no games. Keep preaching you sound like an idiot. Gets some games like the ps2 had over the og xbox, then talk shit cuz right now its a dust decoration under my tv. Fool!
@davillain-: If we get a remaster Alan Wake I will be so stoked!!! That game was AWESOME and looked AWESOME on 360! I cant even imagine how sick it would look on Xb1!
@ember_to_flame: I completely opposite you. Did you not play Rise of the Tomb Raider? In case your thinking its going to look or play better a year from now on PS4 your wrong. The xbox One version looks incredible, even side by side to the pc version so dont wait. I have waaaay too much to play on xbox over my ps4. I love the xbox controller and xbox live so much more than a few pixels. Plus frame rate on some top games like Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 are either just as good or better on xbox one so I wish I could say I had something to play on my ps4. I bought Star Wars BF for it thinking it would be better than the Xbox One version and after having no one to play with(all my friends choose Xbox) I traded it in and for $3 was able to get the Xbox One version which plays and looks just as good.
@Agermemnon: Well thanks to Ubi we will now probably see games do this. PS4 could definitely have used these options in a lot of multiplats that have come out this gen in 1080p. So many games have had issues with frame rates because they had to be 1080p
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