@TristanPR77: DF does a performance analysis comparison on every game and 9 out of 10 times they say everything you mentioned look identical between both consoles. And thats with a frame by frame analysis. Everyone knows there isnt really a difference besides pixels. The lighting, shadowing and particle effects most of the time look identical. If you can provide a game with obvious differences then i can understand but I own both ps4 and xb1 and Ive never seen a differences in what you mentioned.
@shay-cormac: Its simple man. Sony got everyone's attention last gen with this free game shit and now with ps4 it sucks... They already sucked us all in so now that we all paid the year already, they are going to give us shit. Unfortunately, given the ps4's success thus far is only going to make gaming on PS4 that much worse. Their executive heads will swell, their game library will suffer and obviously their PS+ on PS4 so far sucks too...Gamin on PS isnt looking so hot right now..
Meh, that Gauntlet game sucks. I have it.... Its not even fun. I tried playing it with 3 player coop and it still sucks. So its a shitty month for PS+ free games........
@bat725: i understand what your saying but you need to come back with games on ps4 that can actually match games like Halo and Gears, All PS fans do is say Halo and Gears but in reality PS is Uncharted.. Thats it... How could you honestly sit here and comment bad about X1 when PS4 has nothing to offer??? The "inferior multiplats" that you speak of, none of the inferiority is noticeable unless you are Digital Foundry capturing games frame by frame... And even when they do notice a difference it is so insignificant that people would easily mistaken a ps4 game for an x1 game or vice versa.. So this article is actually a very good article, she points out multiple things that PS4 cannot do plus games etc etc. I own both and have many friends over all the time to play. No One Gives A Shit About My PS4!! And I say that with complete honesty. My PSN name is Ker0sene80 should you not believe I own PS consoles. I own all of them. Im still trying to figure out tho why I own a PS4 right now? I buy all my multiplats, especially if they are online heavy on Xb1, I've compared games on PS4 and Xb1 and NEVER see a difference. Definitely nothing that would persuade me to buy a PS4 over an X1... Dont even respond to me unless you own both because if you dont, YOU HAVE NO IDEA what your talking about...... Anyone with one console is going to sit here and try to persuade people that theirs is the best like a fuckin idiot...
@bigruss730: Your one of many. i already jumped back to Xbox One a long time ago. I went with PS4 first also but theres just too many good things going on with Xbox One...
This game is amazing and is highly over looked as an Xb1 console exclusive! This game has sucked me in for probably 100 hrs easily so far... Im so glad it plays very well on console..
I dont have time for this game anymore. It was good for about 5hrs then it just got boring for me. Between Fallout 4, Halo 5, RotTR and Soma, I have no time to start this up again.
Wow!! Not only is Halo 5 an amazingly awesome game but its proving to be very successful! Great job by 343!! Considering these REQ packs are buy if you want, they are doing really well. I dont need to buy any. Actually MS sent me a free pack yesterday via Xbox Live... Plus DLC is free!!
Meh, i love how they are trying to play this game up like its the 2nd coming of christ. SF lost its juice years ago. SF2 and Alpha were the best. SF4 sucked IMO. Definitely not getting this.....i hope you fighting fans enjoy it tho...
skiggy34's comments