@robertcain I love my kinect... I wouldnt have bought the xbox one without it..... I never have to physically log in. It knows me and my controller settings. If I pass the controller to my wife, it knows her and her controller settings(i play inverted), the game dvr is so much better to use voice than controller, Ive NEVER even used the dvr on my ps4. I tried once and it took me back to when I first turned the game on and then I had to edit all that crap, waste of time so I went into options and made it only record for 1 minute. But anyways, the kinect is amazing and even if it never had any games, I would still want it...
@xantufrog @ziseknsa Guess you are a b utthurt ps fan boy then? You are on an xbox one game review b 1tching about someone touting xbox?? ok your the weird one.
@ziseknsa I dont usually use metacritic because any joe shmoe that doesnt like a console or if a game isnt on pc then you get haters giving pointless low scores that screw up the average score. I honestly dont understand why ANYONE uses that site... You should have to answer a couple questions about the game or console before you can rate it. However the list of exclusives on xbox one vs ps4 is mind blowing. Xbox One has this in the bag if you ask me. And the list you mentioned are only AAA's, factor in games like State of Decay and Grave on Xbox One and you got a killer couple of years ahead...
THIS GAME IS AWESOME!!!!! I downloaded the demo and have been having a blast with this game!! If they come out with kinect games just like this in the future, the kinect will sell. Im curious what score this game will get! Another great Xbox exclusive!!
@lovely_dime I didnt bash a d a m n thing, I asked a simple question... The ONLY 2 console out of the 3 right now that are putting any games out worth playing are Wii U ans Xbox One. Yet the PS4 has 12+ consoles sold on hope..... Thats all Im saying. I have all 3, so I am one of those people who bought a ps4 on hope also....
Correct me if Im wrong but it this game made by the same dev thats making Scalebound on XB1? And here we have the Wii U, very outdated hardware, terrible controller, horrible online service but damn, the console has the best games! Why is everyone buying Playstations???
@ooblah Exactly, the "pc master race" doesnt seem to understand that......... They think its fair to compare a game on a pc where if they spend more money they can have better graphics vs whatever a console can do... LOL Mater Race.... LOL
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