After owning my 360 for only about 5 months, I got an unplayable disk error...for all my games. I had company over the day before. We played most of the games in my problem. That night I played COD4 for a few and went to bed. Woke up and tried to get in on a game and it said unplayable disk. Tried all my other games, unplayable disk. I have shipped it off to Microsoft for what I am sure is the beginning of many more shipments back and forth.
I have started going outside again...which sucks. Every now and then, I have to talk to one of my neighbors. At first, I would declare my pwnage of them, but now I know better. I've begun showerring more regularly and even looked for a job. I don't know how much more of this I can take. My only hope is a swift death or swift return from Microsoft.
Dam you Microsoft! Why did you have to make a superior console built by the lowest bidder?
wow dude, just get a life. its just a video game console. i understand that u like to PLAY games, but don't let ur life revolve around it. u hate going outside and talking to people? u don't like to shower? and you don't work? wow is all i have to say
crackdown looks pretty cool but the reviews arent all great. but oh well, they're just reviews. maybe ill try that out. or give oblivion another go instead
a friend of mine brought over oblivion and i played it for maybe 3 hrs and hated it. does it get progressively better or what? cuz i found it extremely boring escaping the dungeon and stuff
you didnt get out of the dungeon did you?
haha ya i got out of the dungeon and then played a couple hrs more.. i stopped after joining a guild where u have to tlak to someone at night to get in (i dont remember what it was called)
i know this is kinda off topic but is Overlord a fun game? it got mixed reviews, but i always thought it looked like a lot of fun but never tried it out.
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