i was expecting this to look even better considering it's coming from naughty dog. I guess this is in line with my theory that remastered versions are really cash grabs with much less effort going into them than a normal release. Tomb raider, this game, and gta 5 all look really nice but not big improvements over the old versions.
It's so typical of Microsoft to get it wrong on choosing resolution over frames per second. That company is so out of touch with what gamers actually want. ONly they would be bragging about 30 fps. So typical of this industry as well to feel the need to use resolution as a buzzword and sellin point for their systems when 60 fps and 1080 p should have been the standard this gen.
@gokartmozart89 @garywood69 @ascendedcobra infamous is an amazing looking game. It's up there with the best looking games with killzone, battlefield, ryse, and metal gear. Watch dogs is only disappointing compared to the trailers. Otherwise it's a ncie looking game and has plenty of 'next gen' aspects to it that gta doesn't have. I think gta's art style is better but the lighting, physics, effects are all better in watch dogs. Textures too
@hwrdstrnsbals @insloanwetrust infamous was great on the first playthrough. Great main story but lacking in variety of side missions. Other than a few good multiplats, yeah, ps4 doesn't have many big games. Outlast, transistor, don't starve are great indies though.
@HackedLife seriously, it's really detracting from my enjoyment of the game. I'm not in love with the game. A bit disappointing. The graphics are disappointing too
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