@REDShadowG: Marvel should do a “What If?” Show which could explore some of these themes and DC could do “Dial H For Hero” which if you never read the comics is about this strange artifact which when found turns the person who posses it into a hero but usually with a Twilight Zone Twist at the end of the story.
@kaminobenimizu: lol welcome to comic business! Lol it happens all the time with Writers leaving one company only to end up at their rivals....Jack Kirby left Marvel and ended up at DC for example or isn’t Bendis over at DC now too?
I just purchased the season Pass to the last TWD season on PSN so it’s definitley back on there. Sadly I fell behind because when I bought a PS4 pro I somehow lost all my previous Walking Dead saves which means my decisions didn’t carry over, so I had to start over from season 1 but with all the newer games out i haven’t had the time to finish off season 1. Wish me luck!
@REDShadowG: yeah I’m not really prepared to see Clem die but I hope if she does go out, she has 2 guns in her hand barrels smoking, and she takes as many Zombies out as she can so AJ can get away or whatever.....And then Kenny pulls up and helps out!
@mpl911: I have one of the Farming Sim games and I just couldn’t get into it BUT I do like watching others on Twitch play. Basically yes you plant crops and harvest but there’s also Trees you can farm and plus the upkeep of the animals, Transporting and processing of crops etc. plus there’s co-op play which means you and a few friends can work together to run your farm. It’s actually quite interesting to watch when you get someone who’s playing who knows what they are doing.
Farming Simulator is one of those games that I have zero patience to play but I can watch on Twitch for hours. I don’t know what it is about it but watching a group of gamers work a farm together is just entertaining to me.
@mvilleguy88: honestly this Gen, most of my fave games have been indies. I just think they are more eager to please fans, support their games, and have fresh new ideas minus the high production cost which lead to these Ad schemes and micro transactions.
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