Ads during a game? God please let there be a lot of Complsints about this! If this succeeds I can see there being billboards in the background while you play or other Types of Ads. Why not just do a cross promotion like unlocking exclusive pallet swap colors or something?
@davillain-: it’ll stop the show especially for those who bought a XB1X because I’d honestly be as pissed as when Sony dropped a new VR headset a year after the initial launch.
@nerveagentuk: totally agree and for years I skipped COD for BF but this year and I played BF5 last night and something about it feels very off and unlike any previous BF game. Honestly I don’t see how Dice is going to implement a BR mode as nothing about the game makes me want to play BR on the maps I’ve seen. After playing for a few hours it just made me want to delete the game and re download BF4.
@Barighm: he’s more of the face of MS but I doubt he was really ever truly in charge. The higher ups make the decisions then pass it down to Phil who delivers it to fans....I compare him to Howard Phillips from Nintendo who again was never really in charge, just the face of Nintendo.
@Barighm: I think that shows how much of a gamer Phil really is however just because he has these lofty ideas doesn’t mean MS sees that vision too and a lot of times that comes down to MS seeing making money off of said idea. I think that’s why Sony has a bigger variety of games, which is Sony will often go with a new IP just to say they did it, example a game like Journey which isn’t going to appeal to everyone and sell like a AAA game,but was critically acclaimed. MS better keep Phil on the payroll because if they ever let him go I’m sure Sony would hire him in a heartbeat. He’s reminds me of a Real life Kevin Butler, just so Enthusiastic. It’s infectious.
Tetris Effect is an Absolutely amazing game! Like the review says this is Tetris at heart but with the psychedelic backdrops and the Infectious music, it Draws you in and won’t let go. The Devs Of Tetris effect seem like they drew a lot of influence from Lumines but that’s not a bad thing as Lumines no doubt got influenced by the original Tetris. Give this game a try because once you do you will be hooked!
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