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skyrocks93 Blog

yeah I might as well have left gs

sorry I've been spending most of my time on Gaia Online so if you want to contact me there look for kekes_pet_fox or on myspace jus look for my e-mail (or just e-mail me) at you can also try talking to me on MSN messenger there my e-mail is (lol)

good bye all see ya around

I'm bored vol.2

because i organized my photobucket all the links in my last blog broke so I'm giving ya'll a new one

hope I didn't put any up that I did last time oh well at least ya'll can't tell

I is back!!

yup I missed yall so how is everyone doing? how have things gone? has gs started recovering from the major drought it was going through?

there's all the questions i got ya'll got any for me?


our internet is getting cut off the 18th but it will be replaced by sattelite internet sometime afterwards but I can go on the computer at school but they blocked everything but movietome so if you want to contact me you might have to use msn im so see ya'll later I'll try to post alot before it gets cut off

what'd you all get?

I got titan quest gold

which reminds me of alotta games that I've played like runescape and kinda like darkstone

I got a new phone(which is exactly like my old phone but not lost)

what did ya'll get?