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skyrocks93 Blog

tryin' out a new browser n' stuff

right now I'm trying out a new broswer called kamelieon(sp) and it's alright I think I might start using it more often than I use IE but fire fox will stay my main browser

ok now I should be done rambeling on

I'm having alotta trouble with music lately no matter what I do I cannot convert my .wma(mindow$ media) to .mp3 and I was wonder if anyone knew a good file converter that would actually work

makin' a rough draft...

I'm making a rough draft of the first comic it's kinda crappy lookin' and I'm havins some trouble on making the face look more female any suggestions (she already has long hair)


ok I decided not to edit my old blog post again to say...

me and Dax are working on the story for the comic he's the writer and I'll do all the image stuff so far we got names for the first characters (the female is nira we kinda have a background but I'm not spoiling that and the male is Ailean ((pronounced alan)) and we don't have much of a background on him)

we have the first few comics kinda layed out and ready to be drawn

and I got the art supplies both digital and real so all I need is a scanner and a little drawing experience

I'm going to do a webcomic...:edited:

not any time soon but once I get the stuff I need like a a scanner and some art supplies I also need to practice drawing and digital art

but I have the idea for the first comic and I'm writing it down here for the record

ok the first character is a cat-girl with tuxedo markings I'm not sure of her name yet so if you have suggestions please tell me

the second character is a bobcat marked male he is the main character I don't have a name for him either so please tell me tell me any suggestions for him too

I have my friend Dax writing it and I might edit it a little but not much

rate my banners

I know I've made alot of banners but this time I want to know what you think of 'em all wooooooooooooooooooo!

I lost a few of 'em though I tyhink

heres the first

I was still new at the whole editing thing when I made this

my second

this ones alot better

and my newest

I just collaged alot of things that I like