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skyrocks93 Blog

I was afraid of this...

yeah my parents are starting up a business and I have to get all my data off the comp so after that they'll move the comp up to the business so I won't be on as much if at all after this is done but untill then they cut down my computer time down to an hour per day[spoiler] if theyre paying attention [/spoiler]

edit:except for on weekends then I can be on all I want

I'm not gone

um yeah I've had like no time to even get on the internet because of school so thats why I haven't been posting for the past few days I hope that the union leaders can forgive me

new blog post

um yeah ok so school starts thuresday I got new glasses tuesday so I can see a whole lot better now and I gotta get into the routine of school soon and that'll take a little work

that's it any questions?