Tesselation can be used in essentially two ways (well, a combination approach is certinaly also possible).
The way it's being used in games right now, and probably will continue to be used until a few years from now:
- To enhance certain surfaces with geometric detail. Rocks, floors, walls, areas of existing models.
And the way it will likely be used in the futrue:
- To replace LOD models and create a fully tessellated mesh that can be increased and decreased in detail at runtime.
I think the next gen of PC hardware will be capable of the second method of tesselllation. If the consoles are also capable, then we'll be in for a treat, as the old LOD system can be finally done away with taking pop-in with it, increasing geometric details to incredible levels, and freeing up resources to do other stuff. If the consoles are not capable, then we'll only see this happening in PC exclusives in the future.
The demo takes a mixed approach to tessellation, but leaning heavily on the second option. And that pummels the tessellation units on mdoern GPU's. With extreme tessellaiton I get about 50 FPS with dual GTX 580's and an i7 920. Specs that I doubt very much next gen consoles will match.
When is Dx12 expected, and what features do you think it will have?
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