@CLOCKWORKIAN Rasmus Højengaard was the game director on previus hitman games, now it is Tore Blystad, a guy that clearly has no idea of what hitman is or was and his career with games is very short too...
this is what happen when you make a good game appeal to the masses, you screw everything up and you end up with a mass failure.
Hitman abomination I mean absolution was not hitman at all, it tries to be an action game with some stealth elements just like splinter cell, and no, hitman wasnt about that!
They guys leading this kind of game(just a few) are brainless and now everyone is paying for their mistakes( except them of course..), very sad indeed.
neither won, lacks of games really.. and nothing really new, same shooters and driving games, D4 call my attention and knack I see something different there. You know what to expect from the other tittles, better graphics same games.
this doesn't look half bad, maybe it is kind of similar to dishonored which is a good thing, stealth first person games are lacking so this is a great new to the game industry
maybe is not 100% a thief game but it is better than nothing i guess :/
@BenderUnit22 the game was being developed by 3d realms that doesn't mean they were the once that finished the game..until 2007 the game was completely different even the engine (id tech 2) after that they used UE3 and after a lot of nothing gearbox takes the game(2010 or 2009 i think) for 2 years and release it. I'm not saying that 3d realms is not to blame they developed a game for almost 14 years...but the game the one that you and me played it was developed largely by gearbox. And lately gearbox is a shame of a company..just look to aliens colonial marines, duke nukem..brothers in arms furious 4 and the milking of bordearlands..
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