If the look or performance is a concern, then don't let it be. Looks fine; plays fine. In fact, it's a lot of fun. But there's not a lot of substance to it. I don't know. My favorite COD games were the ones with Zombies, or some additional mode. The standard offering here is good, but it wasn't enough to satisfy. I know it sounds weird about a game with giant walking robots, but it's a bit one note. No perks, other than a shield overload. Just a bit thin in its offering. I'd give it a solid 7.5, if I were grading it. Good but not great. Massive potential in the series, though.
slduncanlaw's forum posts
This was a statement not meant for you, the gamer. It was meant for Microsoft investors and stockholders that are furious that a supply-constrained Playstation 4 is dominating every market on the planet right now. They're upset that the Titanfall bump only got them to even with Sony, and that tragectory only indicates a temporary reprieve. Walk into any store here in the US that sells game consoles and you'll find several XBox Ones on their shelves. But unless you're lucky, not one PS4. You can say what you want, but the market reality is that XBox needs to do more to convince consumers that their product is as good as Sony's. You can forget better.
Please do us all a favor and put all that information back in your ass. Microsoft stockholders and investors are not furious. Microsoft stock has been rising all year. https://www.google.com/#q=Microsoft+Stock
Microsoft is showing profits in the billions every quarter. The PS4 supply constrain is slowly going away, just like I predicted. http://www.nowinstock.net/videogaming/consoles/ps4/
Amazon has been stocked for over a week now.
I'm sure there are some places that are still sold out, but there are other places you can buy the console at. The demand is slowly dwindling. The demand in Japan fizzled within the first week. Sony still wants gamers to think the PS4 is in high demand, but by the end of April no one will have any problems finding one.
You have to remember that most Playstation fans are mentally retarded and don't seem to understand that Sony is bleeding money despite the PS4 selling well, it's only a matter of time before Sony runs of buildings to sell.
I have a Playstation and an XBox. I'm fans of both, actually. I'm simply stating that the statement was made for investors, not fanboys on game forums. PS4's supply constraint, according to the press, is predicted through summer. Like I said, walk into any store and tell me which company has more product on the shelf. XboxOne is simply not performing as well as its competitor, despite having the better games and despite having more product to sell. THAT'S why investors are not happy. With the early hic-ups concerning messaging about DRM, etc., this has been an executive-created problem. It's a management issue. Behind the scenes, they've probably got an angry board. Hense the sound bites from...management.
@Shewgenja: No. I should have been more specific. In the UK, it got Micorsoft even (or nearly even) for that week's worth of sales.
This was a statement not meant for you, the gamer. It was meant for Microsoft investors and stockholders that are furious that a supply-constrained Playstation 4 is dominating every market on the planet right now. They're upset that the Titanfall bump only got them to even with Sony, and that tragectory only indicates a temporary reprieve. Walk into any store here in the US that sells game consoles and you'll find several XBox Ones on their shelves. But unless you're lucky, not one PS4. You can say what you want, but the market reality is that XBox needs to do more to convince consumers that their product is as good as Sony's. You can forget better.
if you look at hardware problems for this new gen the ps4 seems to have more problems than the other consoles if it run hard when playing killzone whats going to happen with a more demanding game? I can see us going through a lot of ps4 and ds4 this gen
CE-34878-0 is a software issue. Not hardware.
Look, I never had to get into the warranty. It was a week old. Target let me swap it out. And I got another PS4, so I'm not saying Xbox One was the way to go. In fact, my RROD experience cost me, like, 5 weeks of being down and out. This PS4 crash resulted in one evening of not being on after work and an overnight download of the Battlefield 4 DLC and Resogun. No big deal, right? So if we're comparing brick experiences...
My point is, these system wars end up better for gamers because of the competition. But in the rush to get to battle, there are casualties. Having a $400 dollar machine become a paperweight seven days after being unboxed - to fairlylight use, btw - is difficult for me to swallow as being just part of the process. Nothing else electronic that I own has ever done this. Yet, the last two consoles have. I'm just saying...
Piss on it and then trow it away. That console deserves it.
You need a hug.
A whole week... you're going to base reliability on all PS4's on one console that lasted a week. Have you ever heard of acceptable product failure rates, most being dead or almost dead on arrival.
At least it died quickly. From what I've heard both consoles have been extremely reliable especially considering they are the first versions. Too early to claim hardware design defects.
Acceptable product failure rates are one thing. But both happen to me? RROD and Clever-Sony-Acronym for this bricking? What am I, jinxed or something? You're right, though. At least it went quickly. Only a minor inconvenience form me in the end, but still...
And before you get all fanboy, I have (still - and love it) a first gen, 20 gig Xbox 360 that suffered the RROD.
I bought a PS4 about a week ago. Figured I'd try Sony's side of the fence. I absolutely love my 360 and have had a brilliant gaming experience on it. But really, all that was keeping me in the Xbox corner was Halo, and to be frank, while the game is very, very, good, the story is getting a little stale for me. And the RROD thing sucked, but it wasn't a factor in the switch.
I did, however, assume that Sony would provide a more reliable product than did MS. I was wrong.
For a week, I was very happy with my purchase. I got Battlefield 4 and it's been a blast. And then, boom. It stopped communicating with PSN. CE-34878-0 was the error code. The techs said initialize, which erased my game progress and all the rest of the system. Not a big deal since I'd been playing mostly multiplayer. But the PS4 didn't recover from the initializing and bricked.
Now, being only a week with the system, Target took it back and I hesitantly exchanged it for another.
So, I'm declaring System War on all early adopter units of console game machines. In fact, I'm declaring System War on System Wars. I'm all for competition. I think it makes Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo better. But when they rush their product in order to simul-launch their systems, instead of taking the time they need to properly quality control for their product, then we suffer the ramifications.
Lesson learned. Next time, I'm waiting a year. No matter which system I choose.
So you basically need a cable provider to watch "cable" on your Xbox 360. You're not getting ESPN3 just by being a XBL Gold member. I think that clears everything up. E3 was very misleading. This is why you must read the fine print.. in this case is more obvious though.Elann2008
Sort of. You do need to have a supported internet provider as discussed above, but you do not need to also have cable. This was the big contention recently between TimeWarner and Disney (who owns ESPN3) - TimeWarner felt like it was loosing out on revenue since people were basically circumventing cable programming (and costs) to get, well, cable programming.
So, yes, you do need the supported internet provider. No, you don't also need cable.
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