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#1 slduncanlaw
Member since 2005 • 336 Posts
Plus, the Demo MP has been going along just fine (except for the beginning). Maybe they are bucking up their servers or something. Is tomorrow the official release?
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#2 slduncanlaw
Member since 2005 • 336 Posts
Just got BC and went straight into MP. After 10 minutes it went out. Every time I try to get a game it says it can't find one. Anyone else have this prob?
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#3 slduncanlaw
Member since 2005 • 336 Posts

anyone else find it hilarious that MGS4 isn't HD? 1024x768 :) somewhere between SD and HD. I think they refer to it as EDTV, or extended definition.

quite funny personally after all the hype and whatnot, and sonys promises for a true HD experience :)


1024X768 falls into the 720p and 1080i range, which is still HD. Not quite 1080p, but on a TV under 42 inches, it is physically impossible to tell the difference. EDTV, stands for enhanced definition television, which runs at around 560p.

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#4 slduncanlaw
Member since 2005 • 336 Posts

GTA London would be awesome. And a return to roots, in a way.

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#5 slduncanlaw
Member since 2005 • 336 Posts

Okay, I'm not trying to discredit myself here, but I really liked The Getaway. And while I don't have a PS3, I am planning to get one as soon as I can convince my wife that we need a Blu-Ray (if only they'd bundle Sex and the City). The Getaway was something I was really looking forward to on the PS3 (more so than MGS4 in light of those early release images of London). And while I realize it is a flawed game and an inferior GTA, I like it. A lot, in fact. The accuracy of London. Driving on the "wrong" side of the street. The Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels / Snatch-like storyline. All a fun game experience.

Boo, Sony for ceasing production. I say finish it and release it! Who's with me?

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#6 slduncanlaw
Member since 2005 • 336 Posts

Some of you people really need to take off the blinders. I know you're excited about the game, but that demonstration was a very poor one. Putting graphics aside, the gameplay look like nothing more than a slower FPS with some targeting issues. In the first vid, whoever is playing the game - a developer - can't even lock on to a nearby enemy to kill him. Missed with a rocket launcher!!! Meanwhile he's taking hit after hit (I like the bloody hit indicator). I can see this game pulling a Lair - set a visual standard so high they spent all their time and energy focusing on the graphics and not enough on gameplay.

Too many games are doing FPS better - Resistance, COD4, Brothers in Arms to name a few. It's a pre-alpha, so it can get better.

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#7 slduncanlaw
Member since 2005 • 336 Posts

Don't know if this has been posted yet.

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#8 slduncanlaw
Member since 2005 • 336 Posts

No fanboy here. I'm fairly satisfied with my 360. COD series, RB6V, Oblivion, GeOW, PGR and FIFA have all been a blast to play. I got into Xbox LIVE about 8 months after buying the system and have loved my first online experience - especially with COD4 and Arcade (love the classics and updated classics). I'm not entirely satisfied with the reliability of the Xbox itself. I've not had to ever send it in, but it has frozen more than a couple of times. It's never more than a minor inconvenience, but expect more. Quality needs to be addressed next round.

A year ago I would not have wrote this, but not having a next gen DVD on the system is a drag now that you can rent Blu-Ray at just about any video rental store. I'm not a huge movie buff, and I don't think the drive is needed for games (yet) but it is a nice perk on the PS3. Should the PS3 drop to about $200, it would be worth it to buy for the BRdrive.

As a disclaimer here, I also have bought a Wii which I gave to my parents for Christmas to play when we visit them. All we really do is the bowling.

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#9 slduncanlaw
Member since 2005 • 336 Posts

I don't know. I was a crackhead for RB6V. The pace is slower than COD4, but (at least on LIVE) teams communicate and use strategy to win - which makes for some great multi-player.

I'm looking forward to RB6V2 to take over the disc spinning from COD4. Even shipment is getting a little tired (though I still won't play anything else).

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#10 slduncanlaw
Member since 2005 • 336 Posts

If MGS4 is more successful in sales (which is the only way to calculate game market success - we'll leave profit calculation to the shareholders) than GeOW2, then it will be because of this one simple truth:

MGS4 will be multi-console, taking advantage of both Sony's and Microsoft's market share. The release will be time delayed, but will happen. Though I do agree that MGS4 will probably move more consoles for the PS3 than GeOW2 will for 360.


Interesting. Though I don't think MGS will be as popular on 360 due to the fact that they prefer Sam Fisher to Snake.


Nah. They just say that because they don't have Snake. One thing I forgot to go into, and it has probably been covered, but the attachment rate associated with 360 works to its advantage. But things can change between now and then, so its up for grabs. Ps3 seems to have new life right now, and while I'm a 360 owner that has only played one MG game, I will probably by into the hype and get it if when it comes to 360. Or I'll finally convince myself that I need a Blu-Ray player and just buy a PS3.