[QUOTE="slduncanlaw"] I'm sure that the K&L review played it's part, but I believe it was more of a culmination of issues. As an attorney that has dealt with wrongful termination cases, we won't know anything possibly ever. What does seem the least likely is that GS and CNET let him go only because of an unfavorable review. I recall the pages of LAIR ads that covered their sites before and after the 4.5 review and video review.
But compare the video reviews of both games to each other. There are tonal differences that speak volumes. At the end of the day, we don't know what was going on behind the scenes. We also don't know Jeff. He could be just as much a victim as he could be an employee that was getting too big for his boots.
The editorializing in the K&L review IMO went too far. You can say what is wrong with the game without getting personal. And while editorializing in a personal review is expected, I can see Jeff's style of review not jiving with GS's obvious attempt to standardize their review system.
As an attorney, surely you should know the difference between a company not taking any action (that we know of) due to a negative review, and a company that pulls (or threatens to pull)future advertising revenue because of a review.
In short, it wasn't the review that got Jeff in trouble. It was Eidos saying they will not advertise on GS and therefore GS would lose money. As far as anyone knows, no such claim was made by the people behind Lair.
As an attorney, I'm versed on my state's law and federal law - a business decision falls outside that relm. What I do know is that GS and CNet is a viable and important source for a publishing company to advertise to a specific audience that is substantial. I don't think Eidos is in a position to not advertise on GS or Cnet.
You're being very speculative on the facts, which admittedly are thin. And as to the review, I didn't take any offense to it - I have no vested interest in it. But I can see where someone who does, would. There is a big difference in telling an audience where a 6.0 game has its flaws and telling that audience not to buy the game.
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