George R R Martin will never finish the books. The show is the best thing we have. I'm so tired of the nitpicking since it's literally all for nothing. They aren't butchering source material. It's the authors fault for not putting out novels in a timely manner.
6 teraflops speaks for itself. Only a fool would have believed the marketing sham. Overclocked 1080ti is sitting around 12 teraflops and upcoming Volta and Vega GPUs are rumored to be around 20. Sooooooooooo are we still going to defend Microsoft's lies?
@kobeandodom: well then you should probably learn how to lower some settings because a 1070 is a capable card. Of course on ultra you will be sub 30 fps... Did you build yourself?
@xboxonex: you are hilarious. Your user name is very telling. You keep drinking the koolaid and gobble up all the poo Microsoft throws at you. You cannot believe marketing hype when you haven't seen it for yourself. It has a LOW end CPU and a mid-range graphics card. It is impressive what they can squeeze out of the hardware, but it will not perform the miracles you claim. Destiny 2 at 30fps is only the beginning I promise. Enjoy your console because you clearly are going to buy 14 of them
@kobeandodom: yes it is. You can mess with settings to get a mid range card to play at 4k. Everyone will just have to see but reality will be underwhelming compared to their PR marketing demos
That is because it's still just a mid range PC. By the time it comes out Vega and Volta will be in production which will probably be pushing 16-20 teraflops on the top end. But they seriously bragged about 6 which is hilarious
slickwilly06's comments