sloppy_sex's forum posts
There is the PEGI rating [Pan European Game Information], which goes 3+, 7+, 12+, 16+, 18+,
However this is only a recommended rating. So you could be 7 years old and buy a 18+ game.
We also have the BBFC ratings. This is the same system used for films in the UK.
U - Universal [everyone]
PG - Parental Guidance
12 - 12 years or above
15 - 15 years or above
18 - 18 years or above
Using the BBFC system you have to be a certain age to buy the game [or film]
Examples... FEAR, Prey, Quake 4, Doom 3, GTA Vice City are all rated 18 under the BBFC system
Call of Duty 2, Half Life 2 and Company of Heroes are all rated 15 under the BBFC system
Ghost Recon 3, Medal of Honour Pacific Assualt and Brothers in Arms are all rated 16+ under the PEGI system
Rome Total War is rated 12+ under the PEGI system
yeah them recomeneded ratings annoy me, u get some shops such as GAME and they dont even sell u them and im like wtf its a guide line! luckily im older now and can buy tham
YES I WILL RUN! USE COMMON SENSE, IF U HAVE any LOOK AROUND THERE are so may point joke like topics about this crap
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