If bungie would had stayed with microsoft this game would had been so much more.Bungie brought this on themselves joining activision the worst gaming publisher there is.You can tell destiny was rushed and activision wanted it out in a certain time.Bungie use to ship a game when that game was finished.Since joining activision bungie has went down hill no doubt,I can see why alot of the developers left bungie and went back to microsoft.Destiny isnt a bad game at all it just could had been so much more.I would had least gave it an 8 for its fun factor
@sonyonly4 @Monsterkillah Oh just look at the sony fanboys if you want to see a dumb fanbase.Hell sony fanboys made death threats to the devs of the witcher 2 due to X1 owners are getting exclusive stuff.Now thats sad and pathetic.Down right embarrassment to the gaming industry
@WolfGrey Fail like Titanfall?Are you stupid?Titanfall sold 3.4 million copys and shipped over 4 million.Its sold over 2.1 million on the Xbox One alone.Has made over a $200 million since launch.You do know what fail means right?
Wish october 28 would get here cant wait to play this looks amazing.Hands down the best looking open world game i have seen yet this gen.Might even pick up the bundle
Its been time but yes now is even better.With the kinect takin out and sold seperate xbox one sales has doubled.Plus they have better exclusives.Xbox divison profit divisions are up so all is good.Now tomb raider being a timed exclusive its a great time.Hell the X1 is only in 13 countrys and already sold over 5.1 million units.Its already passed the wii u in america within 4 months of release.Its the 2nd selling console of all time at this point in its life.So can only imagine when it ships in the other 42 countrys this september.Then it will be on the same playing field as the ps4 and wii u.
Goodbye ryse because quantum break just blew it out of the water.Hands down ryse was the best looking game until now.Quantum break is hands down the best looking game i have ever seen.Cant wait to pick this up wow
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