@abctr This is about consoles not PC.I dont give a damn about a PC game.Crysis one was garbage all it had was graphics it couldnt hold a candle to games like Halo,Gears or battlefield as far as the gameplay.Crysis 2 was a great game on the Xbox and i cant wait for crysis 3.I just dont think it will lock as good as halo 4.Again im talking about consoles not PC.Read the damn title crysis 3 maxing out current gen consoles
@Loshead I didnt say one word about PC.I could care less about a PC game.The title said maxing out current gen consoles.I said Halo is the game to beat and no game comes close on any console to match Halo as of yet.I dont see crysis 3 doing that.Please you PC gamers get out of your parents house and get some air.Pay attention to the subject before running your mouth about something that doesn't concern you.
Cant wait to play the beta.Loved the last medal of honor and it sold over 5 million copys.This one i see selling more than that.I just hate that its EA after how that messed up BF3 on the Xbox.The system that BF3 sold more on than any other platform and thats how they repay us.Anyway i hope MOH dont go down that same road as BF3.
Will never buy an apple product.Also there are alot of morons out there in the world today buying the same useless crap every year just for the name itself.Then people wonder why america is in the shape its in.
HAHA may lure Xbox/PS3 players to the console.Yea i don't see that unless they are 10 years old.This will be the first gen that i have no interest in a next gen console at launch.I know there are already some 3rd party developers that's not interested in making games for the Wii U after how the Wii was a failure to them.Wii only sold 1st party games.I see the Wii U doing the same thing.I know the etch N' sketch controller makes me hate it even more.I don't want to be holding this big ugly thing for 2 or 3 hours and looking down every 10 seconds to touch the screen while playing a game.
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