Wow everything the PS4 can do i've been doing for years on my xbox.Yup looks like sony will lose another 5 billion next gen.Even killzone dind't look that good hell it looked just a little better than halo 4.Good bye sony
@thebeachguy90 @smackdowner360 You seem slow do you live with your parent's?Also it's fact look it up NPD or VGchart's.Also i have a Xbox,PS3 and do a little PC gaming even though i'm not a big fan of PC game's at all.
@DrunkenBattosai @FAIL_TR0LL No PS3 is still in last place with 5 billion lose. Xbox is at 74.1m and PS3 is at 72.5m.Not only that Xbox has shipped 76 million and PS3 74.8m.By the end of the year Xbox will have past Wii for 1st place in north america this gen.Where 60% of the gaming market is.Sorry to have burst your bubble.As you can see sony PS3 sale's was so low this past holiday they had to add in the PS2 sale's with it.
Damn you just can't stop this thing it just keep's going.Even with the new console's coming this year it still sales 281,000 and the number 1 selling console for 25 month's straight.It's nice to see by the end of 2013 it will pass the Wii and be the number 1 selling console in north america this gen.For a gamer didn't want to look back and see a gimmick like the Wii be number 1 this gen.
Come on MS you can't be putting great games like Halo 3 on a dying platform.Look at last year the PC gaming market took a hit again.It was on life support years ago and it want be long till it's that way again.The first 2 did't sale on PC anyway why waste your money?Epic was smart enough not to do it with gears 2,3 and judgment.
Halo 4 is a masterpiece no doubt.The only thing that's hurts it is all the modded controller's in multiplayer.Something has to be done with these modded people who suck so bad they need to cheat.Microsoft neeeds to do like rockstar with max payne.The cheat system if you have a modded controller your kicked from the game and put in a lobby by yourself or with other modded people.How freakin hard is it MS?Time to step up and fix this problem
@call_of_duty_10 Sony has only sold 72 million and they have yet to report their shipment.Microsoft has sold 74 million and shipped 76 million.So i cant see sony shipping 5 million playstations to the stores.
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