@SirNormanislost Do you know how stupid that sound's?That doesn't make any sense at all.Again people wait for the real numbers at the end of the month.We have seen the NPD numbers.Xbox outsold the PS3 2 to1.Also had 7 out of 10 of the best selling games for the month of december.
Haha PS3 fanboys make me laugh.They will make every excuse in the book but fact is fact.This are legit numbers not bogus numbers off some fake website.Bottom line the 360 has been the number 1 selling console for 2 years straight in america.Which is 60% of the gaming market.You have to be number 1 here to matter and PS3 dont matter here.It doesn't sell in america.After next year the 360 will pass the Wii in america and be the number 1 selling console over all this gen in america.For the PS3 fanboys who are saying everyone has bought 3 is BS.The 360 has a 3 year warranty so your covered..Not only that i remember when the PS3 slim launched and 40% of PS3 owners bought it.So when you look at it theres only about 55 million PS3 really sold.Also PS3 has lost almost 5 billion this gen while Xbox has made billions.Not only that sony will be going bankrupt in 2 years.Over all things dont't look good for the Playstation brands future
This is real numbers from a legit site.I love seeing these numbers and then seeing a bogus site claiming PS3 has passed the 360.It's even better how the PS3 was at 70 million in november but somehow manage to ship another 7 million in 7 weeks.All the systems combine didn't ship that many lol.Still sold is PS3 72.4 and Xbox 74.2 million
@FAIL_TR0LL @smackdowner360 My name has nothing to do with facts.This is from an unofficial site that has been saying this for 2 years with the wrong information.Wait till MS and Sony tells their numbers and then get back with me.
So sony was at 70 million shipments in november and in 7 weeks they ship 7 million more consoles?Yea sorry but fake.Xbox passed 70 million back in september.Not only that the number sold are PS3 72.4 million and Xbox 74.2 million.Is this the same source that has said twice before that PS3 has overtaken Xbox?Sorry but until MS and sony comes out with their numbers by the end of this month i scratch this up to BS.
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