@crazy-roman @smackdowner360 Yea nice everyone gets to play it and i don't believe it will be nothing like the first.I really enjoy crytek game's and this looks damn good
@jnw93 @smackdowner360 Pay attention to what i wrote kid.I said i will be renting the game to see if its changed from the same old cod crap.I enjoy multiplayer more than single player.Just not cod because its nothing but modded controllers.When that problem is addressed by activision and the mp is different i might buy a cod game again
I do want to play the single player looked damn good but still have to pass on the multiplayer.Im sure it will be nothing but modded controllers as always.Still never know so ill rent it see if its a fresh new start
I was shocked that almost 95% of games that sony showed was multiplatform.With no exclusives for this holiday season.On top of that only driveclub is coming this year.Last of us really dont count with it just being released on the PS3 a year ago.Makes me wonder if their not putting the money into exclusives because of the billion's that theyhave lost over the Past 8 years?I know this past quarter they lost 1.2 billion and their going bankrupt in 2015 not good at all.Hope they dont leave the console market we need competition
Hell yea been waiting for doom 4 forever.Day one purchase for the Xbox One.Just got doom bfg edition for the Xbox 360 for $8.Love doom 3 been through it so many times from the first xbox to the xbox 360
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