smithguy1234 Blog
Guitar Hero II level up
by smithguy1234 on Comments
In my opinion there are 12 levels to the Guitar Hero process.
Easy level 1- You're attempting to do the songs but usually fail. Easy level 2- You can complete any song but usually don't get more than 3 or 4 stars, you can also do some of the medium songs. Easy level 3- You are a master of any song and will always get 5 stars.
Medium level 1- You're attempting to do the songs but usually fail. Medium level 2- You can somplete any song but usually don't get more than 3 or 4 stars, you can also do some of the hard songs, and you no longer have fun on Easy difficulty. Medium level 3- You are a master of any song and will always get 5 stars.
Hard level 1- You're attempting ot do the songs but usually fail. Hard level 2- You can complete any song but usually don't get more than 3 or 4 stars. you can also do some of the expert songs, and you no longer have fun on Medium difficulty. Hard level 3- You are a master of any song and will always get 5 stars.
Expert level 1- You're attempting to do the songs but usually fail. Expert level 2- You can complete any song but usually don't get more than 3 or 4 stars, and you no longer have fun on Hard difficulty. Expert level 3- You are a master of any song and will always get 5 stars.
I am now on a high level of Hard level 2. I can do songs on Expert but I still can barly nail those super fast solos. But today I was doing some songs on Hard and most of the ones I got 3 stars on I got 5 stars.
Gamespot Blogs. How do you make a spolier?
by smithguy1234 on Comments
by smithguy1234 on Comments
God of War on Mobile?!
by smithguy1234 on Comments
The night before last my brother was reading off a bunch of games that were added to his cell phone. He happened to come across God of War: Betrayal as a game to download. Now, there has never been a "bad" God of War game but since this was a mobile game, and with a long history of other mobile games, it was pretty much garenteed to be a watered down version of the PS2 versions. But I was intreged non the less so we went on the internet to look for reviews of it. Sure enough had reviewed it and gave the game a 9.0 out of 10. The reviewer said that it was NOT a watered down version and it was more like a GBA version of a GoW title. My brother downloaded it the following day (it would be yesterday now) and it turned out to be fun. Though some levels that I found on we're not in the game and that kinda ticked me off. But it was alright non the less.
I'll answer any questions if you guys have any.
I now own Indigo Prophacy
by smithguy1234 on Comments
I have never been so rapped up in a game like Indigo Prophacy. The gameplay is more of a interactive movie than an actual game. But that dosn't mean its bad. I am having a blast with it and I dont want to put it down. My original plan with it was to beat it in a few days and take it back, but now that i've played it past that murder scene on the demo I dont think I want to get rid of it now. But time will tell. But I stand by that everyone must play this game. Seriously, get up, go out, and buy this game. You will not be dissapointed.
(I got it in a sealed package for 14 bucks. And the guy at the check out said he would treat it as a used game. SWEET!)
One Big Mario Game
by smithguy1234 on Comments
So everybody know that Mario has been in almost every gameing Genre.
He's had RPG's, Sports games, racing games, and then his own adventure games and platforms. But I think Nintendo needs to release a Mario Aniversery game that offers at least 1 Mario game from each Genre. this is my list:
Mario Bros., Super Mario World, Mario Paint, Super Mario RPG, Super Mario Kart, Mario Party 2, Super Mario 64, and the original Super Smah Bros. I would buy this, would you not?
OOOOOOOOORRR...Then they need to release a all sports game version. My list:
Mario Tennis, Super Mario Strikers, Mario Kart 64, Mario Golf, and a console version of Mario 3 on 3. 5 Mario sports games all on 1 Wii disk...though I doubt they all will fit but it's a neat idea.
What would your list be?
The game I want / Demo Hands-on. You must play this game!!!!!!!
by smithguy1234 on Comments
Despite 5 of the 7 comments of my last blog telling me I should get God of War I have decided to get Indigo Prophacy instead. After playing the demo (downloaded from the link on Gamespot that I found only last night) I have been playing the multiple paths of the opening sequence.
How the game starts off is guy named Lucas Kane is sitting in a bathroom stall, blood all over both of his arms. In a somewhat like possesed state, he gets up and kills the man in the bathroom just after he got done peeing (what a way to go). After the murder Lucus then begins to notice what he has just done. Thats when I started playing.
The first time through I did the cleaning version. I got rid of the knife he used (I dont know what he did with it), moved the body into a open stall, cleaned the big splatter of blood on the ground (for some reason this was the hardest part to do), cleaned up myself, and left the bathroom. Since the main character walks by default (didn't realise till later pressing SHIFT would make him jog) I didn't make it out of the dinner in time and Lucas started talking about how he will never know why he did that and he would spend the rest of his days in prison.
The next time I was ready. I did all the stuff from the last time and left the bathroom a bit eairlier. From this point I figured out that I have pretty much Infinant time in the diner to mingle. I could eat my dinner, talk to the 2 guys even the cop, watch the weather channel, and turn on the Juke Box. But I paid my tab, left the place, and took a Taxi to get out of there.
Later by playing through the scene multiple times I figured out if you simply run out of the bathroom you would knock into the employee in the place and the cop would start to walk over to you and you would have to take the back exit to get out of the dinner. I also noticed that you didnt HAVE to take a Taxi. You could also take a the sandwitch place.
Indigo Prophacy is an awesome game, and i'm hopeing to buy it tomorrow.
Which game shoud I buy?
by smithguy1234 on Comments
So I got money for doing some lawn work and right now i'm kinda tied between a couple of games.
1: God of War
2: Metal Gear Solid 2
3: Indigo Prophacy
If anyone could help me I would be very greatful.
Union officers
by smithguy1234 on Comments
I have the 4 officers for my union. Anybody else who wants to join comment, or send me a PM.
Officers Tevwalker13, WWEkane1515, nghtcrwler821, IppaiMetaru.
The union will be created some time tonight, or tomorrow afternoon. Look out for it in your PM's.
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