@Xristophoros: HAHAHAHAHA.......we had better looking stuff in 2012........HAHAHAHAHAHA....console people are funny
@Mo60: i would not go crazy......if your keeping to a single card nothing over 700 to 750watt is ever really needed......i only have a good 600 watt and never had any problems......
@Barighm: i run stuff at 1368x768 and 1600x900 if i can get all setting to ultra and get 60 frames......it still looks better then consoles.....
@Barighm: last 3 PC's i built had 480's in them......good card so far and beats the snot out of my old 4gb 770
@razor_rj: that is the last one.....kinda funny it was the first out.....and tons of people are still playing hanger 21, metro and locker......
@kvally: my PS4 has been unplugged for over 10 months.....i should sell it now.....i bet i can get the 200 bucks i paid for it.....
smokerob79's comments