@drocdoc: ok i went back and looked at it.....whats crazy to me is they say the 480 should be around 5tf and the new CPU should have 2.2 or 2.1 tf to add to that......so how is the new one only 6tf when it should be 7 by these numbers???....i hope its that high....the 3.3tf my gtx 770 can do is getting old.....
cool so its all the PC mods they were trying to sell on steam packed in to one thing for consoles.....i bet money none of the people that did the mods they used will see a penny......
@brazprince: i hope console gamers will understand tons of us have been off a desk and on the couch for over 10 years.......i also hope you see the fact we dont pay for online, if you can wait a year for a game you pay less then 20 bucks for it and on top of that you dont have to spend more then 600 bucks to build a good PC from nothing.....if you do the math 400 bucks on a PS4 day one with 250 bucks for 5 years of online you spent the same amount needed to build a PC.....then you could have saved a ton of money picking up cheap games with tons of great stuff being FREE.....i still own consoles and have PS4 plus a ONE.......but i never play them online and spent only 400 bucks getting the pair USED with games.....good luck...
@drocdoc: i dont know about that.....i have a funny feeling the new APU's will be based on the same family of chips as the 480 but i dont see 6tf out of a 200 dollar card......maybe im wrong i hope im wrong because i know what i would upgrade to but we will have to see.....fingers crossed.....
@drocdoc: spot on, on most of it.....as always i hate number 2's......and your so right about hating the companies and what they are doing not only to gamers but the games themselves.....groups like EA and ubisucks need to be put in their place, but things like over watched dog turds 2 is about to come out with oh my god why did they make number 2 of battlefield the game the world wanted but did not get!!!.....sorry i had hopes for those game no matter what i played them on
as for the video stuff and the 30 frames....well lot to it.....you can see way up to 200 frames but truth be told for movies and real video anything past 60 looks like its set to fast forward....for gaming it helps because it gets rid of input lag and helps with the packet delivery plus its nice to have something that will respond to inputs faster......4k will always be a waste unless your sitting 5 feet from a 80 inch screen BUT rendering EVERYTHING in 4k would make even 720p screens look so much better.....and im saying that after running 4k rendering on a 1080p screen with Nvidia cards and also running 4k test footage on calibrated 720p screens.....most people would be happy with a calibrated 1080p screen if you could get 4k content to it......
@Scarf0: no....i come here because i have the consoles but will play everything i can on PC first!!! in the long run since im willing to wait on games i will pay less then 20 bucks for said games when most people cant get a used copy from gamestop for under 30 bucks......the biggest thing about PC to me is the fact i can GAME CHEAPER THEN CONSOLES.....i dont have consoles for online gaming so going to play everything on PC i dont have the cost of online that would be 110 a year as i have a ONE and PS4.....110 used on a steam sale could be 20 games!!!......as for the rest of it with specs, even old hardware can out do a console....its not putting people down for that its just a bonus to me....and you can get buy with a lot even on old hardware....just a clue....i run a 7 year OLD AMD 955 CPU and with a 4 year old 4gb 770 i can play almost any game out at better settings then the consoles can do.....NOT the new consoles coming the current ones.......both have their points but truth be told if you can wait on games PC gaming can be the CHEAPEST option......
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