@celeritasgamer1: Valve is NOTHING without windows and MS......if you missed it steam OS sucks.....i really think they are at the point of dropping it,......but facts are taking windows out of steam kills it....
yeah i dont care about the old games.....they need to give a me reason to play games on it and not use it as a DVR more then anything else.....i cared about the old games.....i sold the 360 and games for computer parts.....
something has to come alone to get rid of steam......if i buy a game i own it and should never have it taken away because of some BS a company said.......as for the refunds i have never been able to get one......i really hate steam and will never buy games from them again......
@darthrevenx: never thought any of them were good.....the first one was lame with a weak story line.....the second one was just as boring......black flag i played for all of 8 hours before i never touched it again.....
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