@bickle2: NO....the new architecture the consoles are running now is easier to move PC base coding to.....its the reason you got planet side 2 and games like war thunder when the PS3 and 360 could have run both of these games with the hardware they had.........its also the reason you got no mans sky as it was going to be a PC ONLY game for the first 2 years it was in development...... real world it has made porting from ether side easier.....last its the real ONE got fallout 4 mods made on PC........as no matter what is said 95% of all coding for games is done a PC no matter what they are played on......
@howthegodzkill: i totally get your PC argument as i only have a one and PS4 for games i cant get on PC BUT we are not the norm.....sony and soon MS will need to sell to the "every" man to get the most traction in selling the new hardware.....and on top of that a ton of games only on one console came from 3rd party game makers.....what is really the problem is getting the game makers to put money in to making already out games look better.....and to get them to make new games with 2 levels of hardware to work with.....what happens if none of the game makers use the extra hardware and just make to the old levels of the ONE and 4???.....if the 20 games only from sony are the selling point of the PRO its already a flop.......
@sladey: dude im with you and understand a little about optimization as my old room mate was a programmer......but i already know for a fact even with the base level of access programmers have with consoles its going to really hard to get to even 30 frames a second with only 6tf to work with at a true 4k resolution.......computers running over 9tf cant maintain 60 frames at 4k in a lot of games even running just high settings without getting to ultra levels.....optimization is going to do a lot but it seem hard to me that it would make up for 3tf of bandwidth.......games with limited textures and less then great lighting affects running at 30 frames is what i see coming just so they can say its a real 4k...... shit a GTX 660 from 2012 can run mine craft at 4k and 60 frames all day long.....does that mean it looks good???
@howthegodzkill: no it really should be coming to everything......some of the best looking games from the last gen did not come from the hardware makers.....
@computernoises: even in PC you dont have 4k without someone doing the programing for it......you cant click 4k in resolution settings if it was not programmed for it......my prince of persur game from XP wont run at anything higher then 1068x768 as it was never programmed for larger monitors.....BUT the programming has already been done as the witcher 3 had 4k options on PC.......i dont understand why they could not have ported the work done on it already.......
this SUCKS.......if a lot of game makers go this route there will be no reason to buy a PRO......or a Scorpio for that matter......if the new consoles dont sell well no maker is going to program for that level of hardware as the cost returns will not be there to do it......i have this funny felling mid cycle upgrade F%CKED US.......
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