@jessie82: oh no its laser edged like that changes the fact it looks like red paint.....sorry i got a bunch of D heads busting my balls over saying it could be done with spray paint and beccause i said it should have a disc in the box....
@chiefwiggum16: so you telling me i cant get the same look with a vinyl wraps or using stencils???.....and it suck no disc for the game.....i remember the days that picture on the box was gold as you could start playing that game with in 5 minutes of opening the box.....im a old timer now for wanting a dam disc in the box....
@redeka: read above.....the other guy not being a dick posted something that is along the lines of what i want to do...some one is making this.......stop being a dick.....its not a dream when someone has a working prototype.....
@Shimayama: cool so they are working on what i want to do....(kinda)....large field of view with way better tracking and room scaling.....AWESOME.....i wonder what this set could do if they could give the system a GPU just for tracking and room scaling....
@redeka: wow moron you think you have a clue and missed what the eye tracking was for.......what a moron.......what mental capacity do you have if you missed things like this??
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