@dlaney34: how do games get supported for a decade on PC??? people PAY to keep the servers running.......if they dont you end up with games like WOW that need 15 bucks a month to play......
@ice12tray: MS wont get paid until a tracker has been linked back to being shown or if a ad is marked as loaded on a server.....with hacking windows to get rid of all the trackers, key loggers and running ghostery plus ad blocker none of these ads ever load so MS is not paid for him doing stuff on the net.......can you tell me how without fan boy BS how is MS is getting paid if they never get the ad counted???
@7tizz: no....they are making money off you.....but not me......and windows investing in stuff like this oh god YES....i worked at neilsen media research for 3 and a half years on the phones doing interviews with people......we did a study in 98 asking people to put the first versions of tracking software on their computers and it was paid for by MS as they were trying to find out all the web sites people were going back then........but no matter what all of it can be turned off if you know were to look online about your version of windows.....as its been there since XP but not on the levels it is now in 10.....god i spent almost 6 hours hacking everything out of 10 to truly get rid of all the tracking, key loggers and BS install this time.......last i did not even pay for this version of windows or any version i have used in the last 15 years.......if i dont see a ad, have not paid for windows (as i take COA's off dead computers) and i have nothing on site they own how are they making money off me???.....the answer they are not......FYI 35 trackers will load when you read this page.....
@7tizz: the only reason im saying its free is because VS the PC version in the same time frame they were free......expansion packs are what they were called back in the late 90's and you had to get discs in store before you could just download them.......halo2 put that map pack out on disc and sold it that way with no download option i remember(i had the disc version).......i think it was same for rainbow but that game was all screwed up as the version on consoles was not the same as the PC version and a ton of maps on PC never saw consoles with a ton of maps on console never making to PC.......i only played the PC version of that game so i cant really say but i know for a fact they did a xbox only version at some point for one of the expansions......i cant remember if you could download that one or if you had to find a disc......i was set up and waiting for live to go live the day it started and i never touched the arcade mess in all the years i had the system....but i always remember being able to buy a game, come home stuff it in and just click the whole list of DLC and wait to download them.........will never have that again without game of the year version now.....and even then you dont get everything......
@7tizz: i dont trust or believe......i hack the OS and shut down registry options.....cortana is not on my PC, the windows store was DELETED from the base code on the harddrive out side of the OS and the windows key logger has been removed with a program running in the back round to not let the keyboard work if ANY key logger is running at all.......i have killed a ton of ports that windows uses to even get updates.....i have to open ports just to make sure im up to date........I WILL NEVER just install windows and let it run.....i cant as a PC gamer.....just windows update running in the middle of gaming can take me from 60 frames all day long to 15 frames every other second......ad block and ghostery are also on firefox........edge has had half the ports it need CLOSED so it wont even open if you click on it.......if you want a clue of what running on my PC go to BLACK VIPER's website and look at the bare bones list of windows tasks....that is were i started and slashed even more out of windows on top of his list.......
@ice12tray: bundled PC's are not really apart of PC gaming.....and i hate to say it but windows is the most pirated thing when talking about gaming on PC even more so then the games.......i know one guy right now that will never pay for a version of windows but every game on his computer is legally purchased.......
@xantufrog: dude your spot on most of the time and never really show any fanboy BS......yes i should have put article in there sorry.......have nothing bad to say about you..... so sorry for confusion......
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