@Xcalibur_basic: wrong....most people on PC will upgrade the GPU before the mother, CPU and memory......and im sorry but the 5 year life cycle of consoles is DEAD.......and no we dont upgrade parts every 3 years on PC as im running a 7 year old AMD 955 that got me 50 to 60 frame in BF1 beta......my 955 bottlenecks my GTX 970 but i can still play almost every game on the market right now.........last even running a 970 for a GPU i still only have 500 bucks in my WHOLE PC......console players had more in a PS4 day one walking out the door with 1 year of online and 2 games.....
@akassassin11: that goes both ways dude.....and to be blunt i have all 3 consoles including a wiiu.....having all 4 i know for a fact PC is better at everything......
@RSM-HQ: wrong....in the video sony showed at the unvale the PRO had more detail and extra things like more grass detail.......so the games wont look the same on both systems for some of them.......but i think that will be up to the game makers and not really sony per say.........
@angrycreep: yeah i have looked street fighter had it because it was not a new game just a reskin......cant find any AAA games listed at 1080p......also saw a ton of games were running under 720p as some of them were running 1024x600.....
@creepywelps: no one said anything about max settings.......and having 4k at work for over 5 years i can say the jumps made just in the last 2 years have been major.......to get a PC able to even run native 4k video only costs 300 to 400 bucks now.....3 years ago it would have been over a grand just to run video without even thinking about rendering real time in game.......
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