@vh0515: this is when you wish they had not built in the wifi.....the old 360 was awesome as i could take a 15 foot USB cord and add it to the wifi adapter......after that i modded mine to take a 9db antenna.....i could get internet on my 360 almost a half mile away with a parabolic reflector on the antenna.......if your good with modding things you can add a pig tail to the wifi on you one and then add a real antenna.....
@ndmallmann: mario kart was fun but i never sat and played it until 4 in the morning getting drunk like i did with golden eye many times.......we get it you sucked at the controls and got smoked a lot.......
@ndmallmann: you just sucked at the controls.....i played it a couple of years ago on a emulator....even with the old graphics i dropped back in to it like i played it just yesterday.......
@ndmallmann: still one of the best FPS ever done....and it really started what MP became.....do you really think we would have COD online without it???
smokerob79's comments