Jessykins, I like your voice...can i hire you to read out my emails for me please? Not the ones about 'increasing my size for her pleasure' or the ones sent from Nigerian princes....just the other stuff. Thanks.
Jessywoo, Shnookylumps, Angelbear, Light of my Life... erm....nice video. Personally I adore Toad and always picked him in the Mario Kart games simply because i've always been a sucker for the underdog. Toad is under appreciated and definitely needs his own game series, cereal brand and designer underwear range. Make it so Miyamoto!
The animation of Blackbeard looked fantastic! Throw in a three-headed monkey, a cannibal with a lemon for a head, a giant cotton bud and a rubber chicken with a pulley in it and i'm IN!
@Jawehawk-DK I said exactly the same thing. This isn't an issue for 99.9 % of the people reading this website or playing the Persona titles. This is a personal issue for the author and therefore belongs in a blog, not on Gamespot's front page.
I'm all for discussing topics which naturally cause a reaction to a wide range of gamers. Games DO have the capacity to open our eyes to new ideas but i'm afraid i simply disagree that this topic is something that affects enough people to warrant its placing on the main pages of a major videohgame website.
I respect the author's opinions but i shouldn't have them forced upon me repeatedly. Gamespot editors, please reign this 'soapbox agenda' stuff in.
@tempertress @Ink129 and now you've discovered i'm beautiful, hotter than the filling in a McDonalds apple pie and have a twelve inch tongue, you're booking a plane ticket, right?
@warhawk-geeby @tempertress Wait, are you implying that Jessipoos is NOT totally stalking me? So who the heck is THAT in the bushes at the end of my garden?
@kik4444 Well since Ridley brought us the slightly pompous Prometheus, I'd say he's past his prime. Perhaps as a consultant or artist his contributions would be valid but i'd leavethe storytelling and direction to someone more in touch with the world of games.
smylexx's comments