Torchlight, super meat boy, king arthur + all dlc's and i think thats it for me :)
sn4k3_64's forum posts
It does and the weapons are more powerful and actually kill people this time. Haha good, i remember how long it took to kill someone on bf2 lol it was a joke[QUOTE="sn4k3_64"]Haha exactly, one of the reasons i quit, also the nade spamming is ridiculous, i swear you can throw like 4 grenades one after another lol. I hope bc2 has better reg because im waiting to play it lolRemmib
Btw guys torchlight is a little gem, worth buying
[QUOTE="sn4k3_64"]havent yet played bc2 but i can tell you bf2 had some pretty crappy hit reg issues, like you could be sniping someone with perfect shots but they randomly dont register, v. annoyingRemmib
This is what ultimately led to me stopping playing BF2. Pea shooter guns with piss-poor hit registration.
Haha exactly, one of the reasons i quit, also the nade spamming is ridiculous, i swear you can throw like 4 grenades one after another lol. I hope bc2 has better reg because im waiting to play it lol[QUOTE="mrbrainheart"][QUOTE="wigan_gamer"] its nothing like BFBC. I think its better personally.Remmib
I would say, it's a more realistic shooter and the maps are larger than BC2. teamwork is still very important, Many findBF2 a better game.
Is overlord any good? it's very tempting for 3 bucks!
More realistic? Are you serious? I played BF2 for a long time and just started playing BC2 the other day. BC2 easily takes the cake as far as 'realism' goes. havent yet played bc2 but i can tell you bf2 had some pretty crappy hit reg issues, like you could be sniping someone with perfect shots but they randomly dont register, v. annoyingThanks for the quick response, sounds tempting, also interested in borderlands but wondering whether its worth buying the dlc as well? Its cheap on it own but the dlc piles up the price :P[QUOTE="sn4k3_64"][QUOTE="Baranga"]
King Arthur is excellent. A perfect fantasy Total War with addictive RPG mechanics and some very unique gameplay elements. Fantastic deal, you get the main game, the DLC and the expansion for such a low price!
Saints Row 2 is also a great game, but it has major problems with Windows 7.
it makes me lol that buying everything seperately is cheaper than buying the GOTY edition.
Yeah i know! I couldnt quite figure that one out either xDThanks for the quick response, sounds tempting, also interested in borderlands but wondering whether its worth buying the dlc as well? Its cheap on it own but the dlc piles up the price :PKing Arthur is excellent. A perfect fantasy Total War with addictive RPG mechanics and some very unique gameplay elements. Fantastic deal, you get the main game, the DLC and the expansion for such a low price!
Saints Row 2 is also a great game, but it has major problems with Windows 7.
Whats king arthur like? Anyone played it? Its on the sale for cheap, looks good to me!
[QUOTE="HOMIE_G64"] Counter-Strike: Source is much more friendly for newer players, as the graphics are more kind to the eyes and you won't be pwn'd by people who have been playing the game for a long time.kdawg88That's not true I think; though Source caters to a newer generation, it's safe to assume it has its fair share of veterans, just as Quake does. Quake takes more skill than css though
Yeah i know what you mean, you cant go into fps games on the pc and expect to own on the multiplayer aspect of things, i think its just practice really. Obviously its more difficult when people have a mouse because their aim is a lot quicker and more precise than if you were gaming on a console with a controller. Like you said you used to play 1.6 (which i did too), that game you have to put hours into to become half decent xDI picked up Bad Company 2 when it was on sale a few days ago and I've been trying out the multiplayer. Well I had this game on Xbox 360 a while back and I was a very decent player that got positive K/D's 95% of the time.
PC? I struggle to keep my K/D level at times. Sniping(I play recon class) is vastly different on the PC version. You obviously need much more precision but damm I didn't expect the gap to be this big.
I got to get some practice with KB/M as I havent really played online multiplayer since the days of AVP2 and CS:1.6
Anyone else made the switch from console to PC and had their asses handed to them and their manhood taken away?
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