Try toning down the sarcasm and writing more helpful posts..Try using google.
If you don't know what that is, or are capable of doing it, let me do it for you bud.
sn4k3_64's forum posts
Hi guys, just wondering what modes are there for bad company 2? I was hoping there's a tdm mode, but im still waiting for it in the post :(
You should, its a great game, bloody difficult but that makes it more satisfying when you manage to get through the levels :Pgot it for £3.00 off steam last night, haven't played it yet though.
650 W is just fine for two GTX 460 if you also overclock GPU and CPU 750 W is plentifull, unless you have like 10 hard drives.
Absolutely true. But still, I personally would opt for a 850 watt supply, just because of the small diff in price between a 750 and 850 watts, plus, you have higher amps on an 850... But like I said, that's me. :)
Higher amps, not sure i agree with that, amps vary from different psu's dont they?Dont risk it, theres a good chance you'll have problems as the cards mentioned sli'd are going to be power hungry. You want at least 750 watt+
I bought it yesterday, and trust me its one awesome game! I mean its just sweet, the sound tracks are excellent and keep you playing a lot longer, gameplay is very good as well because the controls are so precise (use a game controller though), and the dark world levels are insanely difficult so you wont be able to fly through it. Also there is boss levels at the end of each world or area. Just be warned that some levels are extremely tough, i got stuck on one for about 25 minutes :S haha, its not frustrating though its just a sick game xD, one of my favourites i think ^^[QUOTE="sn4k3_64"][QUOTE="Elann2008"]Is Super Meat Boy, Mega Man platforming on steroids? Are there boss fights or something? Or just pure platforming? Thank you in advance.James161324
Yea don't use a keyboard with this game. It becomes annoy as all get out. The controls are so clunky with a keyboard
Thus why i said use a game controller..It is hard, in fact it gets really hard, so i take it you havent played it that much? Some levels i cant see could be possible without a controller, because you need to be able to make fine adjustments to movement.No, unless you suck it's not that hard. It has the difficulty of the old early 90's games.
Does the spectact pack or what ever it is give the players using it an advantage? Is it just weapon skins?
Is Super Meat Boy, Mega Man platforming on steroids? Are there boss fights or something? Or just pure platforming? Thank you in advance.Elann2008I bought it yesterday, and trust me its one awesome game! I mean its just sweet, the sound tracks are excellent and keep you playing a lot longer, gameplay is very good as well because the controls are so precise (use a game controller though), and the dark world levels are insanely difficult so you wont be able to fly through it. Also there is boss levels at the end of each world or area. Just be warned that some levels are extremely tough, i got stuck on one for about 25 minutes :S haha, its not frustrating though its just a sick game xD, one of my favourites i think ^^
I havent played amnesia, but i remember playing the first silent hill when i was younger and it was really scary, the sirens, empty school and everything made it fu**ing creepy imo
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