[QUOTE="sn4k3_64"][QUOTE="DanielDust"]I think it was on a sale a few days ago, might be wrong tho, as for controller vs keyboard (that the devs consider gamepad as being the best), safe to say I never play a game so horrible and annoying on a gamepad, ever, not even Ninja Gaiden on SNES was so horribly annoying and that is one of the hardest games in history, it's hell, keyboard was extremely easy.DanielDustThe game is horrible and annoying?! I just thought it might be more precise on a game pad, seeing as reviewers mention how precise the controls are There's nothing precise about controllers. Anyway, might be preference, I don't play on my PS 3, don't have it for games and the games I play with a controller are sports and racing (some, I prefer keyboard for racing), games like super meat boy that rely on actual precision are horrible for me, can't stand controllers, you might get away with one in Braid or similar games that are made to be enjoyable, not a challenge, but not meat Boy. hmm ok, but in a way controllers are more precise because your able to put certain amounts of pressure on the joysticks so you character for instance runs or walks :P. Thanks though, i guess i wont be needing a controller to play it, just hope the price drops, its too much atm in my opinion..
sn4k3_64's forum posts
I think it was on a sale a few days ago, might be wrong tho, as for controller vs keyboard (that the devs consider gamepad as being the best), safe to say I never play a game so horrible and annoying on a gamepad, ever, not even Ninja Gaiden on SNES was so horribly annoying and that is one of the hardest games in history, it's hell, keyboard was extremely easy.DanielDustThe game is horrible and annoying?! I just thought it might be more precise on a game pad, seeing as reviewers mention how precise the controls are
Brand new games are rarely on sale.cd_romYes but in the christmas sale isnt practically everything reduced in price?
Need to save some space as im a student living in a studio apartment, my Graphics card is a XFX ATI Radeon HD 5750. Would i be able to use my 32" tv as my monitor when gaming or would it be overkill?JM_MUFCWhat do you mean "overkill"? I think it depends really, if your sitting close to it then the quality might not be great as its a large tv, and also its not gonna do your eyes any favours haha :P. You could use your tv as a monitor though
Im still waiting for bc2 to come in the post :(. Btw, i know this is random/off topic, do you guys have hbao enabled? I heard turning it off gives a pretty big fps boost, and at my res (1080p) i want it to run smoothly
Will it be on sale on steam do you think? I think the price its at currently is quite expensive, but i really want it! Also, what does it play best with, keyboard or controller?
Im not sure about the wrc series, have a look at dirt 2 though, very nice graphics and challenging rally game
I haven't played WRC myself, but Dirt 2... It's a good game for sure, but it's not a proper rally game, it's more like Need for Speed with better phyisics.
Its nothing like need for speed lol, its actually really challenging, especially the rallying where you need to know the stages properly to do well. Colin mcrae rally games are also good, i think 2004 is one of the classic rally games you should try.Im not sure about the wrc series, have a look at dirt 2 though, very nice graphics and challenging rally game
Yeah there dirt cheap to buy xDTriple GTX 580 should fix that. It works for me.
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