Sony's bleeding money like crazy because of the Economic Crisis, and unless they do something fast they're in danger of going under. There is one big problem with your idea though, if Sony joins with Microsoft, that will give Microsoft a monopoly on the video game market that even Nintendo can't compete against, and MS will be hit with anit-trust suits.
There is one problem though: There's a graphics glitch in the game that causes the game to slow down, especally when there are lots of combatants on the screen.
I'm all in favor of updating Sonic's image for a new generation, as long as they don't keep alientating the original fans.
The Werehog I have mixed feelings about for two reasons: 1. Shapeshifing has been done to death in numerous games and movies. 2. From what I've seen you won't have control over Sonic's transformations, being able to switch between Normal and Werehog mode depending on the situation would be an excellent feature.
Nothing really special about this game, except for the addition of some new factions including the Yellow Scarves/Turbans, Dong Zhou, my favorite new aspect about this game is the Orochi Campagin, and the addition of Orochi as a playable character.
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