Sega laid the foundation for Online Gameplay with Sega Channel and SegaNET, Microsoft just perfected it with Xbox LIVE, the big difference is that MS had akiller app (HALO 1 and 2) and numerous other gameswhen they launchedXbox LIVE,which wassomething Sega lacked, and we all know who to blame for that.
snakes3425's forum posts
Halo was the one game that showed what the oringal Xbox was capable of, producing PC Level graphics on a console, and a far more effective control system: Using two analog sticks as opposed to one (Left for movement, right for camera), shoulder buttons being used to shoot and throw grenades, directonal pads used to cycle through weapons, other buttons used for opening doors, and special moves
I know I'm going to take alot of flack for saying this but the N64's controller is one of the worst designed controllers (in terms of button layout and programing) that I've ever seen
Video Game movies as a whole are a mixed bag, many are terrible (look at the Uwe Boll films) but you do find a gem every so often, ex Mortal Kombat 1 and Tomb Raider 1. Right now the best adapation so far looks to be the upcoming Prince of Persia: Sands of Time film, but I could be wrong.
The Resident Evil films are typical Zombie Films, although I'll give Extinction credit for trying something new with the series, that I wish would one day make it into the games: i.e. the T-Virus being spread across the planet following the nuking of Racoon City and the effects the virus had on the world outside of Racoon CityÂ
I'll have to go with the NES, despite the hardware flaws the NES was the system that saved Gaming and it is the system that debut many classic game series: Castlevania, Contra, etc, and even today the games are easy to find and realtivily cheap. For me the NES is some what special being the first game system I ever owned (I got it when I was 5 as a christmas gift)
TG-16: Fighting Street/Street Fighter I (CD Attachment required) Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (JP Import required), R-Type
SNES: Adventures of Batman and Robin, MechWarrior, Final Fight I-III, Ninja Gaiden: Trilogy, Final Fantasy III/VI
Dreamcast: Street Fighter III
PS1: Castlevania Symphany of the Night (my copy's damaged beyond repair), C: The Contra Adventure, Final Fantasy VII-IX, Metal Gear Solid
Saturn: Contra: Legacy of War, Nights, Mechwarrior II, Alien Trilogy
Jaguar: Alien vs. Preditor, Doom, Kasumi Ninja
Genesis/CD: Contra: Hard Corps, Styker, Star Wars: Rebel Assult (CD), Sonic Spinball
N64: Doom 64
PS2: Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories Redux, Kingdom Hearts II, Final Fantasy X and X-2
A console is ultimatly the better investment in terms of money, since PCs and Laptops need to be replaced or updated with new parts every year or two, and console games aren't as prone to technical problems as PC Games are, nor do they require loading and unloading to the hardrive
Don't forget many of the first games (Tennis for Two, Space War, Computer Space, and PONG) and the first real game consoles (The Odessy 1 and Atari VCS) were American made. Nintendo just took the technology and prefected it in the wake of the Video Game Crash of 83-84
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