@Crypt_mx @Talavaj If this comes to PC the porting job goes to some other developer like in many other games, but I don't see why wouldn't Imsoniac be competent to do it. They have developed games for so many platforms so why would PC be any different? Only reason they screw it up is, because of lack of funding and time.
This game looks fun, but not enough to buy Xone. And there's couple of problems that plagues games in this generation so far. 1. Motion blur. 2. Depth of field. Those two are the biggest reason I want to play all I can on PC where I can turn those off. Bad ports have this option as one with other on screen effects. Good ports lets you turn them on and off individually. I really hope this one comes for PC at some point.
So you don't how reviewing games work. Games don't start with perfect score and then deduct points of that by counting the faults. It's mote like you start from zero and then game have to earn those points. In reality it doesn't work quite like that either.
Resident Evil 4 is action game too. Series started its downhill from part 4. Maybe it was more horror than later games, but still it was the first step into wrong direction.
Graphics in this game is sub par and still the PC requirements are ridiculous and consoles don't do anywhere near 1080p, this is actually sub HD on XOne. What's going on?! <- uncensored version of you know what.
Oh yeah, almost forgot. This is also only 30fps for "cinematic look". Lol.
snaketus' comments