@nankurunaisa Game reviewing still doesn't work they way that every game is 10 by the default and then you start to detract the points. This game in reviewers opinion just deserves 10 even if there's little issues like that.
@EmericaCky2K @4mnesiac @Cordliss Two wrongs here. Copying isn't actually stealing and you can still actually own legit copy of the game and emulate it. Second this game isn't coming to other consoles, because it was developed and published with Nintendo money, what do you think will happen?
What come to emulating, I have decent amount of experience about that and I can say nothing beats the real hardware. Maybe you can emulate fine some 16-bit consoles and still getting poor sound in the most cases, but when it comes to something like Wii U, good luck!
@thorn3000 @Blackened_Halo @Abdulrahman1981 It's Nintendo, it won't. Same with the Sony games. Microsoft is the only one who leaks their exclusives away for PC.
@wilhelmalexis I kind of feel what you are saying, but it's Nintendo published game. Good luck. I just bought Wii U mainly for this. My graphics card cost more than twice that, so not a big deal and I'll get Nintendo games like Zelda, Mario, Star Fox and Metroid now, they better make new Metroid for the WIi U!
@foodrules Actually no. The Last of Us suffered poor controls, stupid AI and frame rate issues to the point it ruined gameplay. Don't get me wrong, it was a great game, even on PS3. I played the demo of Bayonetta 2 and I must say, it was so good. so good. If the whole game can keep up that it should be rated higher than The Last of Us, at least the PS3 original. I haven't played the PS4 version yet.
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