@mcmflyguy <non pending version> Best analogy is that my smart phone is about all the time online too, but if it is not and not going to be in next 24 hours or so, it can still make phone calls and send sms, the things it was mainly designed and marketed to do.
You really are piiiip if you think those DRM policies were good idea.
@turtlag562 @voreo Exactly! Like the 1995 announcement of PlayStation's price point of Sega's face. That was even more epic! The video was about most memorable thing not about best contents.
@Dannystaples14 Best analogy is that my smart phone is about all the time online too, but if it is not and not going to be in next 24 hours or so, it can still make phone calls and send sms, the things it was mainly designed and marketed to do.
snaketus' comments