@Jah_Glow Yeah it's weird effect when people even hear female voice in online game voice chat, 2/3 of the room goes pervert on that very second. Yeah it's a woman, what the ****, you guys haven't seen/heard of woman before? Gotta wonder about that and in that point I mute sounds if it's session I absolutely cannot leave until it's over.
@BrianGyrofire Well I can say I know my self well enough if I'm playing something 1-2 hours and I don't have any urge to continue, the game isn't interesting enough to me. I'm sure it's pretty solid game, but I don't have enough free time to invest for it. If it was interesting enough I would find time, but there's so many games out there that doesn't require such time investment.
@toshineon @Morrydwen There's nothing wrong with a good graphics, but when cut scenes and quick time events rips the control all the time from the player it gets bad. And that's bad game play as you know, it has nothing to do with good or bad graphics.
@Saiyan_SS I think PS4 and PC version are pretty much the same, if you can see through video capture process here, which you can see in PS3 footage ass well. And these multiplat games suffered on PS3, because incompetent developer through the whole geneariotn. Check exclusive games on PS3.
@Navardo95 Well I'm going to skip all games this new generation that don't run native 1080p, because I can. And going to prefer 60 fps game design too, if the game is great, but happens to run under 60 fps for some stupid reason then I may give it a slack, but the resolution is solid rock rule.
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