@Mitridon @denhoffi Nothing to hope for, it's a fact. This is just like current gen games on PC have been last three or four years. Next-gen games will come when people are finally willing to give up their freaking ps3 and x360s ffs.
@Mac8457 I'm pretty sure this is due something in video capture process. Especially with colors. And did you know when using anti-aliasing techniques you will get less aliasing, but down side is the blurring effect. This has been the thing in the PC gaming for ages now, do you prefer sharper image and allow more aliasing or vice versa.
Going to be painfully slow two weeks between november 15th-29th to watch NA peoples already playing next-gen, even the Xbots, yeah even the Xbone is already released in NA when PS4 arrives in Europe. Maybe I'll go full offline for two weeks.
@UNCStriker88 @kargion Who the **** plays actual CDs anyway in 2013, jesus christ calm down. And i for one at least like to listen the games' sound track while playing instead of my own music, which I'm listening while I'm working/drinking from my computer, but even then I don't actually pop ancient technology like A FUCKING CD in drive and listen it. I stream it from Spotify or Youtube, fucks sake.
And yes I never felt i needed support for my own music while playing with my PS3. I will not miss it with PS4 either, and If I have to have my own music playing while I'm playing, I will play it from my computer or from million other devices I have.
Audio CD support, it's good they didn't add it in, because it can keep price down, if you ask me they should have get rid of DVD support too to save a manufacturing costs, it would be maybe 20-40 dollars cheaper at least. I have already three devices in my leaving room that plays A FUCKING DVDs!
Same goes for overrated feature called DLNA. And yes I have already three devices in my living room that can do that too.
@LordMonkeybum How do you know PS4 controller is horrible compared to xbone one? And that's personal preference as always. I prefer the PS controller over the Xbox one for that very reason that I like the fact that analog sticks are inline and not all over the place. I have x360 controller for PC and I hate to play with it long sessions, because my left hand gets sore after while due the location of the left stick, I hate it. And that d-pad on Xbox 360, oh boy, it's hopeless.
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