snipe12388's forum posts
Fix the movement of the main character. He felt like he was swaying everywhere. I expected him to be agile, quick, and adept. He felt slow, unresponsive, and couldn't even run. I think they wanted a realistic moving character, but it took away from the fast paced nature of the shooter genre. C'mon HVS. Give us some speed. Give us some tense firefights instead of shoot, crouch, shoot...
I wish they fixed Link's combat animations. They always looked a little choppy. Check out this demo of TP Link combat, and compare it to how elaborate Link's moves are in Wind Waker.
Notice how much more stylish and tricky Link's moves are in Wind Waker. He spins around slashing, does small jump slashes followed by quick spins...
TP Link is just so boring. Slash, slash, stab. I also wouldn't mind hearing his anger/courage through the grunts and screams. This video is a perfect example of what I mean.
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