@IgGy621985: Harder than Dark Souls?
so_hai's forum posts
They won't bow out, there's already enough room for many other competitors. Compare the games industry to say, the car market, and count up the manufacturers... The games industry is a cottage industry in relative terms.
@brah4ever: They would say that, they've only released a handful of console exclusives within 25 years. Vested interest.
@Vatusus: People will put up with all sorts of design choices as long as its big-budget, AAA-status and visually advanced. Add in some gunplay and that's all that's required.
@Juub1990: Of course they are. The front page of IGN was plastered with a announcement about an announcement regarding the NX's real name etc. This never happens with PC, which claims that it is the superior platform. In reality, there's never anything to say about PC, and PlayStations are mere iterations of the console before them.
srsly IGN and you think mass hype is a way to say which platform is superior ? don't forget Nintendo Switch is powered by Tegra X1 , a processor made by Nvidia which is one of many computer hardware manufacturers out there
I don't claim consoles are superior, the OP and I claim that they're always more interesting. Or, if you can provide us an example of where a PC component held the headlines for a significant time, we might be able to concede something.
Market saturation in games, and too much connectivity in all games. It used to be that the developers would shape the product more than they do now. It's the Hollywood-ization of the games industry.
@Juub1990: Of course they are. The front page of IGN was plastered with a announcement about an announcement regarding the NX's real name etc. This never happens with PC, which claims that it is the superior platform. In reality, there's never anything to say about PC, and PlayStations are mere iterations of the console before them.
@benny_boy98: Frame rate is never as important as people believe it is - developers aren't swayed by frame-rate performance as much as you think they are or should be.
@firedguy33: I think the WIi remote is the best controller for FPS games. Doesn't mean the system's the best for FPS games, but the control method is excellent.
@Quicksilver128: All the characters in GTA (except in GTA3) are sociopathic, unlikable and ultimately uninteresting. And before you tell me that "that's the point", then it just goes to show what's wrong with it.
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