sodafountan's forum posts
[QUOTE="matteld2006"][QUOTE="Sony_Best_Ps3"][QUOTE="matteld2006"][QUOTE="Sony_Best_Ps3"][QUOTE="matteld2006"][QUOTE="Sony_Best_Ps3"][QUOTE="Flipnblack"][QUOTE="Sony_Best_Ps3"]this topic is making me laugh you old head nintendo fanboys just make laugh untill i want to cry Sony_Best_Ps3
What the hell did you just type?
you must be one of those old nintendo gamers well let me break it down to you old man what i said is these sheep witch are oldies are funny beacuse there so brainwashed by nintendo they think the wii good or is the snes to defend it so hard when it really stinks
Do you type like that (one run on sentance, bad grammar, what the heck does 'old head' mean?, etc.) full time? Or just when you are imitating an idiot?
:lol: your to old "old head" is new slang for very old or very high in age. you wouldnt know this beacuse your a sheep and to old to know whats going on
Ahh yes, I forgot that the golden age these days is 12? 13? At 18 I feel like there is nothing else to do in life. I should retire from college, collect my pension, and move to Florida.
look i dont want to hear about golden ages in 80s when nintendo ruled idc this is the new generation go take your old head of the computer and play paper mario (WITCH FLOPED BY THE WAY:lol:)
I really hope that your native language isn't English. Everything in that 'sentance' was just...sad. Granted this isn't English 101 or anything, but please, for the rest of us, try a little, eh?
I had two years under my belt when the 80s became the 90s, so I don't really remember too much from that decade. And it helps if you use 'slang' that people besides you know.
look old man i dont want hear it anymore I DONT CARE ABOUT HOW BIG NINTENDO WAS IN THE 80S go take a nap or sutting
or play the wii and PRETEND it was good as snes,nes,n64 jeez you old heads are so stubborn
ROFL LOL:lol::lol::D:D:):):|:|...................:lol: this "new fangled slang old head caller's" name is "sony_best_P$3"ROFL LOL LOL:lol:[QUOTE="ithilgore2006"]How do you know? Have you had a chat about this subjuect with the heads of every major games devevloper in the industry? What? Not even one? Then I'm afraid I'm going to have to disregard your post, seeing as it's therefore nothing but blind speculation from someone well known to be anti-Wii.AHUGECAT
Where's Resident Evil 5 on the Wii?
Army of Two?
Grand Theft Auto IV?
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed?
Mercenaries 2?
Assassin's Creed?
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion?
Devil May Cry 4?
Point proven. Wii loses.
man hunt 2?no more heros?
ssx blur?
sonic secret rings?
resident evil 4?
deweys adventure?
hmmmmm dont you think the xbox 360/p$3 could handle those games OF COURSE THEY COULD. sooo why arent they coming to the "next gen graphics are everything" consoles well....... we'll leave the sales numbers to settle that little matter!
i agree with that, how often do you bring up the subject of video games with your girlfreind, or your mom or even your grandmom? with everyone playing one great, family freindly and adult freindly system *cough cough the wii cough* everyone will know about the greatest games, just like the greatest movies of today. go head and ask someone on the street who mastercheif is. there answer: who? then ask them who Will Farel is. there answer: oh yea the guy in "blades of glory" when the wii sells 200 million units youll be alot happier!Not a stepback.
You are overreacting.
It will be a huge stepup for the industry, because you'll be thanking Nintendo when you can walk into any person in the street and talk about videogames in the same you can talk with a gamer.
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