sodafountan's forum posts
It was a MadCatz 16X card. I have never had a problem with it until I tried to use it in my wii, stupid thing. It never actually read the card in slot A, still doesn't. Slot B said the card was corrupt but actually reads it. unfortunately with alot of games I can't use it in slot B. DeadlyWhispersI had the same card with the same problem, luckily it didnt corupt the data and i still hade my old cube so i pluged it in and it worked. ANNNDDDD the madcatz minicon controller doesnt work either.
great now youve just done what the whole world will do, get a 360 and a wii thuse resulting in the ps3's failureI have been trying to make this decision for a long time but I have finally come to a conclusion, the 360.
1.I've always wanted to have the best online experience and the 360 seems to give it to me.
2.Even though this goes for both systems, I've always wanted a system to take adavantage of my 1080i LCD t.v. . :D
3.Halo 3, Mass Effect, Blue Dragon, Lost Oddessy, Bioshock just all look to good to ignore and I think the 360's year advantage over the PS3 will help it in the longrun.
4.Two consoles for the price of a PS3. :P (Wii and 360)
So I'm decided................ Wii60 FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This could all change and I'll go PSWii but who knows? Right now my decision is final. 8)
On a slightly related note I have a two questions: Does the 360 come with everything I need to take advantage of my 1080i resolution out of the box or do I have to by seperate cables? Same with getting a X-Box Live connection, do I need to buy anything extra?
the only next gen war i see right now is a close race between 360 and wii not 360 and ps3 wii60 FTW!!!!!!!
ill be getting most of them!
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