The sheep are riding the cows pretty hard for not having an AAA on PS3. When in fact they have only one exclusive AAA on GC in 3 years, and only one AAA on Wii.rexoverbey
ok i was just on youtube and saw a film by the loop that said if the ps3 doesnt pick up speed in the next couple of months that it could go on a downward spiral and never regain speed. ok so i was thinking what if peoiple say hey the 360 has a lot better games im gonna trade my ps3 in so i can get a 360........ if people do that then wont sony be in even MORE trouble??? heres the link:
not only that but i think the analyst is a nintendo hater:lol: probably is playing his wii right now sayin dahm i shouldent of written that artical last year:lol::lol::lol: whooohhh nintendo gonna win this generation war sony is goin down psp is terrible:!:
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