Disaster was confirmed a few days ago by Nintendo as an 07 release, Sadness is definently 08 according to game informer.Sepewrathok thanx for the info
sodafountan's forum posts
1: super smash bros brawl
2: metroid prime 3
3: super mario galaxies
4: super paper mario
5: battalion wars 2
6: project hammer
7: super mario strickers: charged
8: manhunt: 2
9: the godfather: black hand edition
10: ssx: blur
11: no more heros
12: mercury meltdown revolution
13: mario party 8
14: scarface: the world is yours (possibly 08)
15: driver: parellel lines
16: tiger woods pga tour 07
17: godzilla unleashed (possibly 08)
18: medal of honer: vangaurd
19: mortal kombat: armaggedon
20: prince of persia rival swords
21: resident evil (possibly 08)
22: legend of the dragon
23: escape from bug island
24: sadness (possibly 08)
25: TMNT
26: disaster day of crisis (possibly 08)
27: fire emblem (possibly 08)
28: pokemon battle revolution
29: forever blue
30: my sims
ok ive got 30 games to choose from
here are my most wanted 30,10,23,24,26,1,14 and 9
but i bet ssx blur will get one
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