My guess on this is that this Davis somehow got his balls cut off when he's masturbating as a teenager. Therefore he's saying such stupid thing in defense of his inability to reproduce.
@sujith12 @solid_snake1461 normally, I wouldn't reply to such a degenerate like you who can no longer tell what's right and what's wrong. But consider this is an act out of pity and let me tell you this: ask M$ to use you as a zombie model. You would make millions since you much resemble a zombie: no brain at all.
Ha, if I was Blizzard I would have fired everyone at the cinematic department and get Carbot to do my vids. Really, spending a whole year to create a cinematic is a huge waste of time and resources which would have been much more useful if used elsewhere (like play testing, new game modes, new features, ect..... And I haven't even mention the fact that the final result isn't half as good or as funny as the Carbot's version.
So, if someone watched "The Simpsons" and then committed a shooting, will we also do a research on the negative effects of "The Simpsons" on the people?
Wake up morons, people have been murdered by guns long before even the first video games was there. You are just doing this to cover the fact that you are no more than lousy losers who can't control the gun-selling and are trying to find a scapegoat to shift the blame to!
solid_snake1461's comments