I don't see the point in these talks about which console is better. You guys are all led to believe in an illusion that your opinions matter while the truth is that those are nothing but hollow words. Just wait till the launch day and let's see which one has better sales. End of story!
Just look at that Snowden guy. It has always been and it will always be a myth till someone reveal it to the public. And hell no, I don't want my joke about some big shots being considered a plan for a coup. Therefore, M$ isn't getting my money.
Good for M$. They know that this is a war that they can't win. So why the rush? Just wait till the PS4 got saturated and then maybe M$ can sell an Xone or two.
I would say that let them remake the original Metal Gear game first (you know, the one that happened in Outer Heaven!) before allowing them to remake MGS 1.
Personally, I wouldn't be so eager to hear this. Kojima said that MGS5 is going to be his last Metal Gear game and that he would move on to new IPs. It means that there is a high chance that he wouldn't be involved in the remaking of this. Therefore, I highly doubt that this could be Twin Snake Mk.2.
No matter what they say, they won't be able to justify for the used game restriction and the always-on connection. I'll just root for the PS4 for the shake of peace of my mind.
solid_snake1461's comments